McWane is dedicated to maintaining a clean environment for generations to come. One great example of these community and environmental efforts is McWane Poles Assistant Environmental Manager Tom Kistler and his participation in the Coshocton Tree Commission. Tom has been a member of the tree commission for six years.
“I have a passion for conservation and forestry,” Tom said. “The tree commission seemed like a good way to help the community where I work, and so many of our team members live.”
The Coshocton Tree Commission maintains a diverse and healthy urban forest in the community. They are responsible for around 3500 trees on public right of ways, parks and cemeteries, and they plant new trees where old trees once were. They also evaluate dying and problematic trees and assign them priority for trimming or removal.
In his work with the Commission, Tom helps plant as many as 40 trees each year and provides resources like conservation education to elementary schools and guidance for residents as they plant trees in their own yards.
“My favorite tree commission activity is planting a tree with our sixth-grade class every year for Arbor Day,” explains Tom. “We send a seedling home with every student and talk about what Arbor Day means before going outside and planting a tree that is dedicated to their graduating class. This I feel has a real impact on the kids and opens their eyes to the importance of trees and the benefits they provide to the community.”