Thirteen team members from McWane attended the 33rd Annual National VPPPA Safety & Health Conference last week in New Orleans, Louisiana. There were more than 100 educational sessions available at this year’s conference. McWane is one of more than 2,300 companies that provide the support needed to ensure that all companies in the U.S. and around the world continue striving for and achieving a stronger culture of safety excellence.
Representing McWane pictured from left to right are Landon Keller (Tyler Coupling, Marshfield, Missouri), Amelia Pryor (Tyler Coupling), Bart Howlett (Tyler Pipe, Tyler, Texas), Tony Ingle (Clow Valve, Oskaloosa, Iowa), Bill Hoffman (Tyler Coupling), David Cook (McWane Ductile), Carlos Robinson (McWane Corporate), Gary Wood (McWane Ductile), Maureen Kamphaus (Clow Valve), Karen Tuckett (McWane Ductile), Mike Gillette (Tyler Coupling), Robert Fisher (Amerex), and Chet Johnson (Tyler Coupling).